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when that old man call me aunty , i became angry

已有 556 次阅读2012-9-26 18:19

My husband said , these clothes very beatiful , very good, so I believe him and buy it , when i wear these new clothes to our office , our boss saw me and want to said something , but haven't  , maybe this kind of clothes not suitable wear to work in the office .

I wear my new clothes walk in the street, somebody call me aunty , Oh my god , he is one middle age man , I am sure he older than me , why he call me aunty , I become angry and don't answer him . My husband often call me as beatiful as the fox , my college also ask me one time:" do you have boyfriend yet ? " I told her , I am two child's mother, she can't believe it is true , she sai Iam seem very young and beatiful , not like two children's Mum .   I often climb the moutain on weekend , so I am quit believe I am still young and beatiful . When than old middle call me aunty, I am really angry






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